Design and Build an Electrical Installation Control System for Resitential Houses on the Internet of Things

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fidika putra pratama
Yudia Meka Seftiani
Shindy Aliffianti Ulfiah


Technological development has become a vital necessity for every individual in today's digital era. Increasingly pressing environmental issues demand energy efficiency, especially at the household level, contributing significantly to global energy-saving efforts. This research aims to implement an Internet of Things (IoT)--based electrical installation control system, which allows remote control of electrical installations via an Internet connection. This system is expected to increase the efficiency of electricity usage, as well as improve time efficiency and convenience in daily activities. The method used in this research involves using NodeMCU ESP8266 and the Blynk application to turn on or off the electric current on the connected devices. The system allows two modes of operation: manual through the selector switch and automatic through the Blynk app. Test results show that the system works well, allowing remote control without geographical restrictions as long as there is an internet connection. The speed and stability of the internet connection proved to be a crucial factor affecting the system's performance, where slow or unstable internet can cause delays or failures in command execution.

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