Arduino-Based Banana Sale Dehydrator Design

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Hisyam Aldifa Hisyam
Rahmi Berlianti
Rizki Yandri
Hidra Amnur


One of the most profitable processed banana products is banana sale. To produce high quality banana sale, an effective and consistent drying process is essential. The purpose of this research is to create and build an Arduino microcontroller-based banana dehydrator that can optimize the drying process. It is equipped with a temperature and humidity sensor (DHT22) to track the environmental conditions inside the dehydrator. In addition, heating elements and fans are equipped to control air circulation and temperature. The designing starts with creating a comprehensive system design. This includes the system block design, electronic circuit schematics, as well as the physical design of the device itself. An Arduino program is designed to use data from the temperature and humidity sensors to control the heating elements and fans, ensuring an ideal drying environment. Intensive testing was conducted to ensure that the device operates properly and can achieve optimal drying conditions for banana sale. The test results show that the dehydrator is able to dry banana plantains with higher efficiency, maintaining the temperature and humidity inside the device within the desired parameters. In addition, it also improves the quality of the final product consistently. It provides a more efficient and affordable solution for small and medium entrepreneurs in the banana processing industry. Therefore, it is expected that this tool will help increase production, reduce operational costs, and improve the quality of banana sales throughout Indonesia.

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